Fantastic Leather Harness for Tracking/Pulling/Agitation
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Boxer Leather Harness For Successful Training
Are you tired of searching for a good Harness for your Boxer? Do you need a Harness in which you could walk with your dog and educate him? Our leather Harness will provide you with not only this! In winter, you can fasten it to a sledge and your strong Boxer will bring a lot of joy to your children. This multipurpose Harness is a miracle! No need to spend a lot of money for several harnesses, buy just one and have fun with your pet! Due to the excellent quality this Harness will last you for years saving its good look during use!
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Multifuntional Harness of Super Design
Perfect Harness for training your Boxer
Key features of this Dog Harness: - Top-grade oiled leather
- Extra durable and strong stitching
- Felt padding on chest strap and back plate
- Adjustable in 3 ways
- Lightweight
- brass hardware
- 2 side D-rings for loads attachment
- Strong D-ring for leash attachment
- Handy quick release buckle
| Intended use of this Dog Harness: - Everyday walking
- Training/education
- Service/trace work
Sizes available: - Small
- Medium
- Large
- Extra large
| Available colors: |
If you purchase this Harness, you will find that it is: Very sturdy. This Harness is designed to overloads! We use only the best quality Leather and
heavy-duty thread. All stress points we insure by rivets.
Mega comfortable. We do everything possible for your Boxer feels comfortable in our Harness. It has
wide straps, the edges of which are rounded and polished, so as not to damage the animal’s skin while walking or running. Our Harness has a
soft felt lining on the chest strap and on the back in order to protect your dog from skin rubbing. The very construction of the Harness is really
ergonomic, all straps repeat dog’s body shape, while the throat is free of load and animal can breath freely.
Looks wonderful. Smooth leather, used for making this Harness looks richly and elegantly by itself. There are no unnecessary elements on the Harness, and brass fittings only adorn it and give a little luster.
You will surprise even more when after years of using you’ll find that the Harness
saves its shape and excellent appearance as new! Hurry up to buy a good thing at an affordable price! Check how our products look on the dogs / Pictures from Customers
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Boxer Leather Harness For Pleasant Walking
Elegant Boxer Leather Harness With Extra Reliable Brass Fittings